It's no secret, being a First Time Buyer in Houston can be hard. It's no wonder why so many people are turning to First Time Buyer Programs for a
How to Buy a House – A Step by Step Guide
When people are ready to buy a house they have all kinds of questions. What should my first step be? How much money do I actually need? But
Buying a Home In A Sellers Market… During Coronavirus
Ready to move? Need a bigger house after being stuck in yours for so long? Ya, me too... And I just bought my house in November! Add in the fact
The ZeroPlus Discount Program
Whether it is your first purchase or 10th, everyone wants to save as much money as possible when buying a house. Let's take a look at a super easy
Houston Real Estate Market Update (6/2/20 – 6/8/20)
With COVID-19 taking the Houston real estate market into uncharted territory, things look to be on the rise for sellers! Why sellers? There are